Tuesday, May 11, 2010

At least I don't have a Facebook.

Well I finally bought something for myself.
It's not the corduroy loafers.

I purchased Modern Warfare 2
"Mooooooom, I'm l337. All my online friends says so"

So far.. 
My girlfriends right.
I suck at MW2 right now.
 Well, I'm too scared to actually play online.
Don't wanna mess up my k/d ratio or nothing..
Just lurking on campaign till i get used to it all.
But I will pwn.
I promise you that.
And when I do.
You better hope to god that you're not on my server.
"pwease gawd. don't ledd him pwn me. fank you"

God's a little bit busy right now.
"how the.. WHAT?! where did he even come from!! LAGSWITCHER!!"

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